
Cabinet d’Ostéopathie aux Beaux-Arts de Montpellier. Consultation à domicile sur Montpellier et ses alentours. Urgences ostéopathie, Montpellier

Hi, we are Amanda
and Shawn

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Practice makes perfect

We know about your hectic schedule. We also know the only way you truly understand a subject is by practicing it in a real environment. This is why we’ve set a playground area that’s full of hours of exercises, questions and challenges. It even has a gaming section. 

The best campus facilities

In addition to our online classroom, we also offer an option to take part in a live classroom. It takes place in our vast campus located in Westfield, London. Here you’ll be able to use the most up-to-date facilities and computer equipment.

Learn from the very best

Join our course and start building the most wanted career available today. We make sure every class is easily understood, and that all students reach the same level of expertise needed for today’s hi-tech industry.

Working hours

Monday- Thursday:8:00-18:30 Hrs
(Phone until 17:30 Hrs)
Friday - 8:00-14:00

We are here

Westfield London 2039-2041 Westfield
Phone:+44 20 8834 4688
Fax:+44 20 8859 6598
Email: info@collage.com

Nos articles


Les os de la tête bougent-ils?

L’un des composants du concept crânien pour les praticiens qui pratiquent l’ostéopathie crânienne ou la thérapie crânio-sacrée est que les os de la tête se


Considérations ostéopathiques: le genou

Le traitement de la rotule peut être important pour résoudre la douleur au genou J’ai fait de la randonnée il y a environ 5 mois. Quelques



Nos services

Prendre rendez-vousDoctolib